【留学生】新蒲京集团350V研究生学位论文管理规定 2019-03-14 16:06



Regulations on the Overall Dissertation Management of the International Postgraduate Students in the Business School of Shenyang Jianzhu University


In order to further standardize and improve the management of international postgraduate students in the procedures of thesis proposal, interim review, pre-defense, defense, degree application and conferment, embody the flexibility of their training system, and improve the quality of their papers, this guideline is made by combining the Shenyang Jianzhu University’s dissertation procedure regulations, international practices and the reality of our Business School and International School (All postgraduate students in this guideline refer to the international postgraduate students).


Article 1This guideline shall be followed by all our master students to participate in such procedures as thesis proposal, midterm evaluation, pre-defense and defense.


Article 2This guideline is applicable to disciplines and majors such as management science and engineering (real estate development and community management), architecture and civil engineering (engineering commerce and management).


Article 3The dissertations of international postgraduate students can be written in either Chinese or English. Those who are awarded the national scholarship are required to write their papers in Chinese and adopt our university’s special template according to the national requirements (see the University’s related regulations). There are no special requirements for other postgraduate students (Their papers can be written in either Chinese or English). If a dissertation is written in English, it should be in accordance with the international standards of British thesis specifications (seeAppendix 1).


Article 4In principle, postgraduate students shall be engaged in the research related to their dissertations for no less than one year. Those who fail to pass any of the procedures of thesis proposal, interim review, pre-defense and defense shall not proceed to the following steps of paper writing or degree application.


Article 5Postgraduate students shall meet with their supervisor and discuss the progress of their research and paper regularly (no less than once a month) during their research related to their dissertations. They themselves shall also complete the Record of Meeting between Postgraduate Student and Supervisor and report it to our school for reference (see Appendix 2).


Article 6All disciplines and majors can arrange their thesis proposal, interim review, pre-defense and defense flexibly in accordance with their own features and relevant requirements of the current school year. For students in 2.5-year programs, thesis proposal is generally arranged in the third term (October of the current year), and midterm evaluation in the fourth term (May of the next year); For students in 3-year programs, thesis proposal is generally arranged in the fourth term (March of the current year), and midterm evaluation in the fifth semester (September of the current year); For students in 4-year programs, thesis proposal is generally arranged in the sixth term (March of the current year), and midterm evaluation in the seventh semester (September of the current year). Defense, degree application and conferment are usually arranged twice a year, in January and June. Defense applicants shall complete pre-defense, review, and concealed evaluation one month before degree conferment.


Article 7Thesis Proposal


(1) Thesis proposal is the primary step for postgraduate students to write their paper. In principle, it shall be arranged collectively after master candidates complete their professional courses and the literature reading for their dissertation.


(2) Postgraduate students shall complete their thesis proposal report with no less than 3,000 English words or 5,000 Chinese characters. They shall also read no less than 10 references.


(3) The thesis proposal review team will give corresponding mark and evaluation conclusion for each master candidate according to their dissertation topic. There are two conclusions, Pass and Fail. The candidates with the conclusion of “Fail” can reapply; in principle, the application interval shall be no less than three months, and the reapplication shall be no later than the fourth term (or the sixth term).


Article 8Interim Review


(1) The interim review consists of two parts. The first one is to check whether master students complete their professional courses and other required procedures with accepted grade points correspondingly and whether their thesis proposal reports pass public argument. The second one is interim defense. The thesis proposal review team will give corresponding marks and evaluation conclusion for all master candidates according to their dissertation progress. Two results will be combined to assess whether the candidates pass midterm evaluation.


(2) Interim review has three evaluation conclusions based on the progress of the paper, that is, good, average and slow progress. Good progress stands for all three requirements below completed (more than 75 points), average progress for two requirements completed (65-75 points, including 65), slow progress for only one requirement completed (less than 65 points, not including 65).


1. More than 2/3 of the paper is completed;


2. The selected topic and contents of the paper are consistent with those of the thesis proposal report;


3. The framework of the core sections and its corresponding discourse are completed without any plagiarism.


Those who get an evaluation conclusion of slow progress from the review team shall fail the interim review, and therefore their supervisor will face the interview of the School.


(3) Those who fail the interim review or are unable to attend on time for other reasons can reapply. In principle, the application interval shall be no less than three months.


Article 9Pre-defense and Defense


  1. The procedures including academic achievement recognition, pre-defense, evaluation and review, and defense qualification examination shall be completed in accordance with the University’s provisions before the formal defense. Postgraduate students shall carefully revise their paper based on the opinions of the defense review team and evaluation experts, and attend the formal defense after they pass the examination of their supervisor and the Business School.


  1. The interval between the pre-defense and formal Defense shall be no less than one month. All defense participants shall go to the University for qualification examination five days before the defense.


  1. If master students fail to pass their defense, their degree application shall be invalid. However, if they are allowed by the defense committee to reapply after they revise their paper, they can attend the defense again six months later within one year. If they fail to pass their re-defense or are unable to reapply within the time limit, their degree application shall be invalid.


Article 10Academic Achievement Recognition


Defense qualification is only applicable to the applicants who have attained one of the following achievements with Shenyang Jianzhu University as their primary authorship holder during their master program, and these results are not only closely related to the research of their dissertation, but also satisfy the conditions as prescribed by the University:


  1. Scientific research activities. The applicants shall participate in the research subject and academic paper organized by their supervisor. In addition, the research subject must be concluded and the paper must be listed into the academic journals recognized by the Business School.


  1. Academic conferences. The applicants shall participate in a municipal, industrial-level and above academic conference.


  1. Academic lectures. The applicants shall participate in academic lectures twice at the school level and above.


  1. Scientific research practice. The applicants shall participate in completing one of such achievements as technical transformation, project design and software development, which have been applied or transformed in practical production. Their achievements shall be recognized by the certificate of enterprise application or transformation.


  1. Others. The applicants shall also attain relative academic achievements required for their defense in accordance with the recognition of the Academic Degrees Evaluation Committee.


Article 11Dissertation Writing Standards


  1. Main Parts of A Dissertation


    A dissertation is composed of preliminary pages, main text and appendices.

  2. 前置部分。包括:1.封面;2.扉页——题名页;3.声明;4.摘要(中、英两种文字);5.目次(中、英两种)

    1.Preliminary pages. The preliminary pages shall include the cover page, the fly page or the title page, the statement, the abstract (in both Chinese and English) and the index (in both Chinese and English).

  3. 正文部分。英文论文应达到1.5~2万单词;中文论文应达到3~4万字。包括:1.绪论(前言、引言、绪言);2.论文主体(文献综述、研究方法等);3.结论或建议;4.参考文献。

    2.Main text. An English paper shall be no less than 15,000~20,000 words; a Chinese paper shall be no less than 30,000~40,000 characters. The main text shall include the introduction (foreword, anchor, and prologue), the main body (literature review, research methods, etc.), the conclusion or suggestion, and the references.


    3.Appendices. The appendices shall include the figures and tables, acronyms, abbreviations, symbols, unit tables, and terminology annotations (only if necessary), the author’s biography, the author's academic achievements during his/her master program, and the acknowledgement.


  1. Printing and Binding


    1. The dissertation should be printed on standard A4 copy paper. The copy paper must be white, opaque, and easy to read, copy and bind.

    2.正文字体字号:中文论文采用中文小4号宋体,英文小4号Time New Roman;英文论文采用Arial 12号字体,全文统一。中文论文双面打印印刷、英文论文单面打印印刷,均沿长边装订。

    2. The font and size of the main text: In a Chinese thesis, 12-point font of Song typeface shall be adopted for Chinese text, and 12-point font of Time New Roman typeface for English part. However, 12-point font of Arial typeface shall be used throughout an English dissertation. The Chinese thesis shall be printed on both sides, and the English dissertation shall be printed on single side. The long-edge binding shall be adopted in all papers.


    3. In printing and writing, more attention shall be paid to the margins around the paper for easy binding and copying. The upper (top) and left (binding edge) margins of each page shall be 28 mm and 25 mm, and the lower (foot) and right (cutting edge) shall be 20 mm respectively.


  1. For specific thesis format, refer to Appendix 1 (for Chinese thesis) or Appendix 2 (for English thesis).


Article 12 Other Instructions


(1) This guideline is amended upon the Regulations on the Management of International Students in the Humanity and Law School of October 2015.


(2) Matters not covered above will be explained by the Academic Committee of the Business School.


The Business School


June, 2018


Appendix 1


English Dissertation Template



Guidelines for the Presentationof Dissertations for MastersDegree Programs


Note: The guidelines at 1, 5 and 7 relating topaper and binding apply only where the coursecommittee has determined that hard copies mustbe submitted for examination purposes.


1. Paper quality and typographicaldetail




A4 size paper, of good quality, (1) should beused; only one side of the paper should beprinted.


Methods of production


The presentation should be a permanent andlegible form in typescript or print with uniformdensity of type (2) and drawings and sketchesin black ink. Copies, produced by xerographicorcomparably permanent processes, shouldbe clearly legible and capable of photographicreproduction. The dissertation shall besecurely bound.




Margins at the binding edge should be notless than forty millimetres and other marginsnot less than twenty millimetres. Double orone-and-a-half spacing should be used in thetypescript, except for indented quotations orfootnotes where single spacing may be used.


2. Numbering of pages


Pages should be numbered consecutivelythrough the dissertation, including appendicesbut excluding photographs and/or diagramswhich are not embodied in the text.Introductory pages may be in numerals,separate from the main text. Page numbersshould be located centrally at the bottom ofthe page approximately ten millimetres abovethe edge.


3. Introduction of dissertation


The following preliminaries to the dissertationshall be presented in the order listed:


(a) Title page

The title page shall give the followinginformation in the order listed:

(i) the full title of the dissertation andthe sub-title, if any;

(ii) the total number of volumes if morethan one, and the number of theparticular volume;

(iii) the full name of the author and fulldetails of his or her degree;

(iv) the Faculty, and the University’sname;

(v) the degree for which the dissertationis submitted;

(vi) the year of submission of thedissertation.









(b) Contents


(c) Acknowledgments


The candidate shall acknowledgeany assistance received. Where thedissertation project is undertaken incollaboration, the candidate’s individualcontribution and the extent of thecollaboration must be clearly indicated.


Although the copyright of the dissertationis vested in the candidate, articles whichhave appeared in journals to which thecopyright has been assigned should not beincluded within the dissertation withoutthe express permission of the journal.


(d) Summary (Abstract)


There shall be a summary of the worknot exceeding 300 words in length. Thereshould be a brief statement of the methodof investigation where appropriate, anoutline of the major divisions or principalarguments of the work and a summary ofany conclusions reached.


(e) Abbreviations


Where abbreviations are used a key shallbe provided. Abbreviations may be usedat the discretion of the author. For anabbreviation not in common use, the termshall be given in full at the first instancefollowed by the abbreviation in brackets.


(f) Note on access to contents


Dissertations which achieve a markof 70% or above are deposited in theUniversity Library in digital form. Theauthors of such dissertations are requiredto include one or other of the followingdeclarations in the final version of thedissertation presented to the Library.


‘I hereby declare that with effect from the date onwhich the dissertation is deposited in the Libraryof Shenyang Jianzhu University I permit the Librarianof the University to allow the dissertation to becopied in whole or in part without referenceto me on the understanding that such authorityapplies to the provision of single copies made forstudy purposes or for inclusion within the stock ofanother library. This restriction does not apply tothe copying or publication of the title and abstractof the dissertation.“IT IS A CONDITION OFUSE OF THIS DISSERTATION THAT ANYONEWHO CONSULTS IT MUST RECOGNISE THATTHE COPYRIGHT RESTS WITH THE AUTHORAND THAT NO QUOTATION FROM THEDISSERTATION AND NO INFORMATIONDERIVED FROM IT MAY BE PUBLISHED UNLESSTHE SOURCE IS PROPERLY ACKNOWLEDGED”



‘I hereby declare that for a period of -*yearsfollowing the date on which the dissertationis deposited in the Library of Shenyang Jianzhu University , the dissertation shall remain confidentialwith access or copying prohibited. Followingthe expiry of this period I permit the Librarianof the University to allow the dissertation to becopied in whole or in part without referenceto me on the understanding that such authorityapplies to the provision of single copies madefor study purposes or for inclusion within thestock of another library. This restriction doesnot apply to the copying or publication of thetitle and abstract of the dissertation. IT IS ACONDITION OF USE OF THIS DISSERTATIONTHAT ANYONE WHO CONSULTS IT MUSTRECOGNISE THAT THE COPYRIGHT RESTSWITH THE AUTHOR AND THAT NOQUOTATION FROM THE DISSERTATION ANDNO INFORMATION DERIVED FROM IT MAY BEPUBLISHED UNLESS THE SOURCE IS PROPERLYACKNOWLEDGED.”


* Not more than two


4. Footnotes


The manner of presentation of footnotes shallfollow the accepted practice of the Faculty inwhich the author is enrolled.


5. Diagrams, maps, illustrations,published papers, tables


(a) Binding

Whenever practicable diagrams, maps,illustrations, published papers and tablesshall have a binding margin of at leastforty millimetres and should if possiblebe bound in the dissertation near theappropriate text.

  1. 装订


    (b) Photographic print

    Photographic print shall be on singleweight paper or permanently mountedon cartridge paper for binding and shallbe securely fixed in the dissertation.

  2. 影印


    (c) Other illustrative material

    Other material which cannot convenientlybe bound in the text may be placed in apocket to be attached to the inside backcover by the book binder. A list of thematerials contained within the pocketmust be securely affixed to it.

  3. 其他说明材料


    (d) Numbers and captions

    The numbers and captions shall be at thebottom of the illustrations. The top of anillustration which is bound sideways shallbe to the left of the page.

  4. 数字编号与文字说明


    (e) Tables

    Tables shall be numbered consecutivelythroughout the text. The method ofnumbering shall be distinct from thatused for other material.



    6. End matter


    (a) Appendices

    Appendices shall follow the main textand precede the index (if provided).Appendices may consist of supportingmaterial of considerable length or of lists,publications, tables or other evidencewhich, if included in the main text, wouldinterrupt its flow.

  5. 附录


    (b) List of references

    In arranging the list of references, theauthor should adopt the acceptedpractice of dissertations submitted in hisor her Faculty.

  6. 参考文献


    7. Non-Book Media


    Work which cannot be submitted in digitalform or incorporated in a pocket within thedissertation should be provided within anappropriate container and should have on theoutsidethe following information:


    i) year of submission;

    ii) degree;

    iii) author’s initials and surname.




    A list of materials included in the containermust be securely affixed to it.


    8. Alternative form of presentation


    In appropriate cases the Course Committeemay permit a candidate, who so requests, topresent a dissertation accompanied by materialother than in written form. Such approval mustbe sought from the Course Committee at thetime of approval of the dissertation project andthe form which the candidate’s presentationwill take should be indicated.




    (1) Recommended paper


    A4 71GSM

    * Variations in GSM values (+5 GSM) will notimpair quality.

    Paper for mounting photographs or othermaterial

    Any paper, preferably white, not below 120GSM and not above 200 GSM.

    GSM = Grams per square metre: the higherthe value the thicker the paper.

    A4 71GSM

    * GSM值(+5 GSM)的变化不会影响纸张质量。


    任何纸张均可,白色最佳,纸张不低于120 GSM,不高于200 GSM。

    GSM =每平方米纸张的重量克数:数值越高,纸张越厚。

    (2) Methods of production


    The use of a word processor with laserprinter or printer of equivalent quality isrecommended.



Business School

Record of Meeting between Postgraduate Student and Supervisor



(This form should be completed jointly by the postgraduate student and supervisor at the conclusion of each meeting)


This is a template for theSchool’s form. If no original forms are at hand for your meeting, please fill in this template, print it and distribute copies as indicated below.


1.Name of Research Studentxxxxxxxx

Name/s of Supervisorxxxxxxxx



2.Date of Meetingday/month/year


3.Duration of meeting*hour*mins


  1. Preparations made for meeting (Please list)


  • ********

  • ********

    5. Issues discussed (Please list)


  • ********

  • ********

    6. Tasks to be completed before next meeting (Please list)


  • ********

  • ********

    7. Date tasks must be submitted:


  • ****– email supervisor byday/month/year(week, such as Monday)


    8. Date of next meeting:day/month/year(week, such as Monday)orTo be confirmed


    9. Special comments (if any)..........................................................................


    10. Signature ofPostgraduateStudent.


    Signature of Supervisor.




    IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: Original to be returned to BS

    One copy to be retained by supervisor

    One copy to be retained by student
